70 Seconds About Our Union

Whether planning a wedding, special event or seeking music instruction we encourage you to browse our comprehensive on-line directory of Ann Arbor area live music performing groupssoloists and private instructors.

If you are a musician, please go to Join Us for more information on becoming a member. The Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians is the local office of the American Federation of Musicians, which provides contract support to member musicians, and a free referral service for the public. We strive to serve both communities to the highest level.

About Us

The Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians, Local 625 of the American Federation of Musicians, an organization of professional musicians since 1912, serves to meet the needs of musicians by advocating the interests of its members, and through education, collective bargaining and group benefits, as well as by encouraging, promoting, supporting, and developing audiences for the preservation, enjoyment and appreciation of performances by professional musicians.

As a benefit to its members and to the public, the Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians offers a free referral service to individuals or organizations to assist in obtaining the very best in live music for any event.

A Welcome Message from our Secretary Treasurer

Thank you for your interest in the Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians, Local 625 of the American Federation of Musicians. Membership in Local 625 not only establishes your ties with the strongest union in the nation, the AFL/CIO, but also designates you as a credible, professional musician, one of 130,000 throughout the country. Your fees keep the Union alive by paying the costs for office overhead and the many benefits your union membership offers.

The Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians is a non-profit organization chartered in 1912. Our parent organization, the American Federation of Musicians, (AFM), was established in 1896, Fundamentally, our purpose is to protect and advance the interests of musicians, create job opportunities, encourage good faith, and enforce fair dealing where our members work. Through educating both our members and the public, we try to bring recognition to musicians, who deserve dignity, respect, and decent wages. The AFM is the world's largest union of performing artists, consisting of over 385 local unions across the United States and Canada, and is recognized as a force in the industry that speaks with authority on behalf of professional musicians.

Join Us

$35 Local Initiation fee - one time only fee
      waived for students and members under 21 years
$65 National Initiation fee - one time only fee
      (if not already an AFM member)
      waived for students and members under 21 years
$157 Annual membership dues - if paid in January
      (Quarterly dues: $40.25 /quarter)
Work dues - 3½% general work dues, 5% work dues for
      engagements obtained through the annarbormusicians.org
      website and most electronic media contracts

Federation Dates and Events












































  • Can you tell me more about Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians?

    The Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians is a local organization of professional musicians since 1912. We provide services to the public including performances and music lessons as well as services to our members.

    Whether planning a wedding, special event, or seeking music instruction we encourage you to browse our comprehensive on-line directory of Ann Arbor area live music performing groups, soloists and private instructors. If you are a musician, we can help support you in your career through the many services we provide. By becoming a member, you receive free musician’s referral services, negotiation and enforcement of collective bargaining agreements with area organizations, and eligibility for discounted life, health, and instrument insurance.

    If you are seeking someone to play at your event, seeking music lessons, or interested in becoming a member, please connect with us.

  • Can you tell me about the American Federation of Musicians?

    Our history began in 1896 when musicians gathered in Indianapolis and organized the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) for “any musician who receives pay for his musical services.” Representing 3,000 members, AFM was granted a charter by the American Federation of Labor (AFL).

    Wherever there was music, there were musicians organizing in the early 20th century—in theaters, restaurants, night clubs, hotel ballrooms, amusement parks, carnivals, symphonies, operas, ballets and increasingly at theaters as accompaniment for silent films.

    “The only object of AFM is to bring order out of chaos and to harmonize and bring together all the professional musicians of the country into one progressive body,” said AFM’s first President Owen Miller in 1896. 120 years later, AFM musicians continue standing together to have power. Now we are 80,000 musicians strong playing in orchestras, backup bands, festivals, clubs and theaters—both on Broadway and on tour. We also make music for film, TV, commercials and sound recordings.

  • What are the benefits of joining the AFM?
    1. Professional Pride
    2. AFM Website with Access to Online Forms, Contracts and Links to other Musically Related Sites
    3. Member Directories
    4. Booking and Referral Programs
    5. 252 Local Union Offices
    6. AFM-Employers' Pension Fund
    7. Sound Recording Special Payments Fund
    8. Motion Picture Secondary Markets' Fund
    9. Music Performance Trust Fund
    10. Collection and Distribution of New Use Money
    11. Partnership with Sound Exchange
    12. Assistance with Recording and Broadcasting Contracts
    13. Negotiation and Administration of Collective Bargaining Agreements
    14. Emergency Travel Assistance Program
    15. Equipment and Liability Insurance
    16. Immigration Assistance
    17. International Musician and Local Newsletter
    18. AFL-CIO Affiliation
    19. Central Labor Council and Provincial Labor Council Support
    20. Contract Guarantee Fund
    21. Access to Union Privilege Programs
    22. Help Wanted/At Liberty Registry
    23. Access to Health and Disability Insurance
    24. Legislative Representation in Washington and Ottawa
    25. Access to Credit Cards with Preferred Rates
    26. Discounts on Computers, Cell Phones, Cars and Musical Instruments
    27. Organizing Assistance
    28. Lester Petrillo Fund for Disabled Musicians
    29. Access to List of all Symphonic Auditions
    30. Symphony, Opera, Ballet Strike Fund

Contact Us

Have a question? We are here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch. 

Contact Us

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